Event date
  • EMS Medical
  • 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
  • 1.00 Attendance
This case-based presentation will discuss the different legal documents related to end of life care, medical orders and palliative care.  We will share in-depth approaches to the care for patients who wish for limited interventions related to end of life care.  This lecture will define the role of family members and medical power of attorney in end of life care and when and how to utilize them appropriately.   
  • EMS Medical
  • 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
  • 1.00 Attendance
This course is designed to provide an overview of common presentations of various high-altitude emergencies as well as related complications.  Gaining significant elevation can have a major impact on healthy individuals and those with chronic conditions.  We will focus on the three most common presentations including: acute mountain sickness, high altitude pulmonary edema and high-altitude cerebral edema and how to manage these presentations in the prehospital environment.​ 
  • EMS Medical
  • 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
  • 1.00 Attendance
Hypothermia can be seen in a variety of settings in the first responder setting. This course will discuss what hypothermia is, what types of calls you will see it in, and how to best care for your hypothermic patients. This course will also review cases and current best practices regarding hypothermic patients in the prehospital setting. 
  • EMS Medical
  • 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
  • 1.00 Attendance
Sepsis patients can sometimes be difficult to manage in the prehospital setting. Dr. Eric Hill discusses what sepsis is, what type of patients you will see it in, and how to treat them. He also reviews best practices and utilizing capnography to assist in identifying these patients. Lastly, Dr. Hill goes over case reviews to help solidify the reviewed information.
  • EMS Medical
  • 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
  • 1.00 Attendance
Toxicology cases can be complicated to run for the first responder, let alone when your patient is a pediatric one. Dr. Dyan Luyten is an experienced emergency physician who discusses best practices with running toxicology calls in the field. During the lecture, he also discusses current protocols for EMS and things that have worked for him over the years in caring for these patients. At the end of the lecture, several case reviews are done to wrap up the newly learned and reviewed information.  
  • EMS Medical
  • 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
  • 1.00 Attendance
This case-based presentation will cover a variety of stroke cases that EMS have responded to. We will review best practices in stroke care and how to use it applies to EMS. This was presented during the COVID-19 Pandemic and thus includes the complications and considerations related to COVID-19 and caring for stroke patients.
  • EMS Medical
  • 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
  • 1.00 Attendance
There are multiple factors for the first responder to remember when treating toxicology patients. Dr. Jeff Beckman is an experienced emergency physician who discusses best practices with running toxicology calls in the field. During the lecture, he also discusses current protocols for EMS and things that have worked for him over the years in caring for these patients. At the end of the lecture, several case reviews are done to wrap up the newly learned and reviewed information.  
  • EMS Medical
  • 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
  • 1.00 Attendance
Human trafficking is a major public health problem, both domestically and internationally. Healthcare providers are often the only professionals to interact with trafficking victims who are still in captivity. Recent studies have demonstrated that up to 50% of trafficking victims in the United States were seen by healthcare professionals while in captivity and were not identified. This course will help guide healthcare professionals to identify human trafficking victims when they present in the clinical setting. 
  • Sports Medicine
  • EMS Trauma
  • EMS Medical
  • 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
  • 1.00 Attendance
This educational intervention is designed to address the identified gaps for sports related orthopedic injuries. The online format will allow for convenient access and thus reach a broad audience of medical professionals. Colorado has a very active community with people of all ages participating in several types of sports. It is not uncommon for someone to be injured to the degree EMS is called to respond. This CME will review some of the most common sports injuries and the patterns of injury EMS should consider.
  • EMS Trauma
  • EMS Medical
  • Neurology & Neurologic Surgery
  • 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
  • 1.00 Attendance
This course will provide an intensive, practical focus on evidence-based approaches to stroke assessment and interventions for the EMS provider. Participants will review history, diagnoses, physical exams, and assessment/management of specific stroke cases. EMS providers will gain increased awareness of guidelines and procedures for treatment of stroke patients.
