Benson Pulikkottil, MD, FACS

1600 South Milwaukee Street
Denver, Colorado 80210
M (720) 788-3203
9/16-present Burn & Reconstructive Centers of Colorado, Englewood CO Swedish Hospital, Burn and Reconstructive Medical Director
-Director of an 8 bed ICU with complex burn & reconstructive patients -American Burn Association Verified Burn and Reconstructive Center 2022
8/15-7/16 University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh PA PGY-11: ACGME Accredited Orthopedic Hand Fellowship
3/15- 5/15 Scottish Rite Children’s Hospital, Dallas Texas
Pediatric Hand Elective; Supervisor: Dr. Marybeth Ezaki
12/14-3/15 Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Linkou, Taiwan
Microvascular Visiting Fellowship; Supervisor: Dr. Fu Chan Wei
9/14-12/14 Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas, TX
Oculoplastic Mentorship; Mentor: Dr. Grant Gilliland
7/12-6/15 University of Texas Southwestern/Parkland, Dallas, TX PGY-8 through PGY-10: Plastic Surgery Fellow
Ranked #1 Plastic Surgery Residency U.S. News & World Report 2014 Ranked #1 Plastic Surgery Residency U.S. News & World Report 2015 Ranked #1 Plastic Surgery Residency U.S. News & World Report 2016 Ranked #2 Plastic Surgery Residency U.S. News & World Report 2017 Ranked #1 Plastic Surgery Residency U.S. News & World Report 2018 Ranked #1 Plastic Surgery Residency U.S. News & World Report 2019 Ranked #1 Plastic Surgery Residency U.S. News & World Report 2020 Ranked #5 Plastic Surgery Residency U.S. News & World Report 2021
7/09-6/12 University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Newark NJ PGY-3 through PGY-5: Categorical General Surgery Resident
(Administrative Chief during PGY-5)
7/05-6/07 University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Newark NJ Intern and PGY-2: Categorical General Surgery Resident
4/2022 Harvard Medical School Certificate
Surgical Leadership Course
5/2005 Doctor of Medicine
Albany Medical College
Albany, NY
5/2001 Bachelor of Arts Biology/Minor in Philosophy
Siena College (8-year Accelerated Program with early medical school acceptance) Loudonville, NY
Cum Laude
5/1997 Regis High School
1/12-2/12 International Health Surgical Initiative, Dapitan, Philippines 6/03-8/03 Jubilee Mission Hospital, Kerala India
5/00-9/00 Las Matas de Farfan, Dominican Republic
3/97-6/97 St. Francis de Sales, Harlem NY
97-15 Big Brothers and Sisters Program, Albany, NY
7/07-6/09 University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
Research Fellow
Starzl Transplant Institute
Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery under WP Andrew Lee MD
▪ Performed orthotopic and heterotopic hind-limb transplants in rat, mouse, and swine models
▪ Evaluated and explored methods to improve methods for preventing skin rejection in composite tissue transplantation
▪ Co-Principal Investigator in a project that is using rat and mouse models to explore the use of double negative T regulatory lymphocytes in composite tissue allotransplantation
▪ Investigator in a project using a rat model to examine lymphocyte migratory inhibition in preventing skin rejection in composite tissue allotransplantation. ▪ Member of the UPMC clinical hand transplant program; responsibilities included 24 hour on-call for harvesting and processing of bone marrow via vertebral bodies from organ donors to induce chimerism
2019-present Swedish Medical Center Credentials Committee
Reviewer for physician credentials/privileges
2018-present Swedish Medical Center Surgery Department Committee Representative for plastic reconstructive, hand and burn surgery
2019-present HAND: Internationally peer-reviewed journal indexed on Pubmed Reviewer
2017-present Burn & Reconstructive Unit at Swedish Medical Center Englewood, CO
Burn & Reconstructive Medical Director
American Burn Association Verfication Visit 4/2022 (prior visit no deficiencies)
2013-present E-Plasty:Internationally peer-reviewed journal indexed on Pubmed Reviewer
2017 American Board of Plastic Surgery
Board Certification in Plastic Surgery
2018 American Board of Plastic Surgery
Board Certification of additional qualification in hand surgery
2020 FACS: Fellow of the American College of Surgeons
2000 Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference Football Division IAA Junior Honor Roll 2001 Phi Sigma Tau International Honor Society in Philosophy-NY Chapter 2001 Graduated Cum Laude, Siena College
2007 Golden Apple nomination for excellence in resident teaching 2008 Best Overall Paper, Robert H. Ivy Society of Plastic Surgeons (Co-author)
2008 First Place, Oral Presentation, Department of Surgery Research Day, University of Pittsburgh (Co-author)
2008 Best Overall Paper, Fifth Annual Plastic Surgery Resident Research Day, University of Pittsburgh (Co-author)
2008 Best Overall Paper, Ohio Valley Society of Plastic Surgeons (Co-author)
2008 First Place, Basic Science Paper, Ohio Valley Society of Plastic Surgeons (Co author)
2009 First Place, Basic Science Paper, Robert H. Ivy Society of Plastic Surgeons (Co author)
2009 First Place, Basic Science Paper, Ohio Valley Society of Plastic Surgeons (First-author)
2009 Best Overall Paper, Ohio Valley Society of Plastic Surgeons (Co-Author) 2009 “Excellent work funded by NEPS” at Amer. Soc. of Plastic Surgeons 2009 2010 Golden Apple Excellence in Teaching Award Winner
2010 Arnold P. Gold Foundation Humanism in Medicine Award Winner 2010 Selected for Alpha Omega Alpha
2011 Selected for Administrative 5th year Chief Resident
2011 Golden Apple nomination for excellence in resident teaching
2012 Golden Apple nomination for excellence in resident teaching
2016 Editor’s Choice: Correlating Median Nerve Cross-sectional Area With Nerve Conduction Studies. J Hand Surg Am. 2016 Oct;41(10):958-9
Title: Ruth T. Kirchstein Research Fellowship-T32
Agency: NIH
Award Type: Research Grant Period: 7/1/2008-6/30/2009
Role: Fellow Amount: $41,796
Title: Inhibition of Lymphocyte Migration and Skin Rejection in Limb Transplantation Agency: Plastic Surgery Education Foundation
Award Type: Research Grant Period: 1/01/2009-12/31/2009
Role: Co-investigator Amount: $50,000
Title: Improving Somatosensory Cortical Response Properties After Composite Tissue Transplantation
Agency: Plastic Surgery Education Foundation
Award Type: Research Grant Period: 1/01/2009-12/31/2009 Role: Co-investigator Amount: $50,000
Title: Utilizing Double Negative T Regulatory Cells to Induce Tolerance Agency: Plastic Surgery Education Foundation
Award Type: Research Grant Period: 7/1/2009-6/30/2010
Role: Co-Primary Investigator Amount: $10,000
1. Culver AJ, Gilliland C, Pulikkottil BJ, Gilliland G. A Technique for Severe Lower Eyelid Retraction:The Fascia Lata Sling with Lateral Burr Hole.(accepted:Plast Recons Surg 2020)
2. Geraghty F, Anderson L, Mir H, Daniali L, Imbriglia JE, Pulikkottil BJ. Surgical Management of Extensor Digitorum Brevis Manus anomaly with a Dorsal Ganglion cyst. J Wrist Surg. 2021 Oct;10(5):436-439. Epub 2021 Feb 3.
PMID: 34631297
3. Geada L, Cochrane S, Luscia C, Lehrman C, Daniali L, Shroeder C, Mir H, Pulikkottil B. Intramedullary metacarpal screw for fracture fixation: A retrospective review of the rehabilitation literature and illustrative case report with a novel post-operative therapy protocol for functional optimization. Ann Plast Surg. 2021 Jun 1;86(4S Suppl 4):S460-
PMID: 33512820
4. Ruiz S, McCoy J, Pulikkottil B, Cheng MD. Detailed Case Reports of Surgical Treatment For Intraneural Ganglion Cysts. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 2021 Feb 16;9(2):e3339
PMID: 33680635
5. Pulikkottil BJ. Lymphedema. Essentials of Plastic Surgery. Edited by Janis JE. QMP 2020
6. Pulikkottil BJ, Pezeshk RA, Thornton JF, Haddock NT.
Reconstruction of a Nasal Defect With a Radial Forearm Flap Following Trauma of a Paramedian Forehead Flap. Eplasty. 2017 Jun 29;17:ic18. eCollection 2017. PMID: 28702110
7. Pulikkottil BJ, Ruane E, Imbriglia J. Simultaneous Avascular Necrosis of the lunate and scaphoid. Eplasty. 2017 Feb 8;17:ic4. eCollection 2017
PMID: 28261373
8. Pulikkottil BJ, Pezeshk RA, Ramanadham SR, Haddock NT. The medial femoral condyle corticoperiosteal free flap for frontal sinus reconstruction. J Craniofac Surg. 2017 May;28(3):813-816
9. Pulikkottil BJ, Schub M, Kadow TR, Wang W, Fowler JR. Correlating Median Nerve Cross-sectional Area With Nerve Conduction Studies. J Hand Surg Am. 2016 Oct;41(10):958-962
10. Pezeshk RA, Yap LA, Pulikkottil BJ, Mapula S, Schaffer NE, Scott KM, Gordon P, Hoxworth RE. Poster 20 Impact of a Structured Rehabilitation Protocol on Hernia Recurrence after Operative Repair. PMR. 2016 Sep;8(9S):S167
11. Rohrich RJ, Dauwe PB, Pulikkottil BJ, Pezeshk RA.The importance of the anterior septal angle in the open dorsal approach to rhinoplasty. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2017 Mar;139(3):604-612
12. Rohrich RJ, Pulikkottil BJ, Stark RY, Amirlak B, Pezeshk RA The importance of the Upper Lateral Cartilages in Rhinoplasty. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2016 Feb;137(2):476-83 PMID:26818282
13. Pulikkottil BJ, Pezeshk RA, Daniali LN, Bailey SH, Mapula S, Hoxworth RE. Lateral abdominal wall defects: The importance of anatomy and technique for a successful repair. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 2015 Aug 18;3(8):e481
PMID 26495194
14. Pezeshk RA, Pulikkottil BJ, Mapula S, Schaffer NE, Yap L, Scott K, Gordon P, Hoxworth RE. Complex abdominal wall reconstruction: A novel approach to post operative care utilizing physical medicine and rehabilitation. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2015 Sep;136(3):362e-9e
PMID 26313841
15. Pezeshk R, Pulikkottil BJ, Bailey SH, Schaffer NE, Reece EM, Thornton NJ, Gupta AR, Hoxworth RE. An Evidence Based Model for the Successful Treatment of Flank and Lateral Abdominal Wall Hernias. Plast Reconstr Surg 2015 Aug;136(2):377-85 PMID: 25946603
16. Dauwe P, Pulikkottil BJ, Stuzin JM, Rohrich RJ. An evidence-based approach to prevention of infection in facelift surgery.Plast Recon Surg 2015 Jan;135(1):58e 66e PMID:25539351
17. Dauwe P. Pulikkottil BJ, Rohrich RJ. Does Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Work in Facilitating Acute Wound Healing: A Systematic Review. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2014 Feb;133(2):208e-15e
18. Pulikkottil BJ. Lymphedema. Essentials of Plastic Surgery. Edited by Janis JE. QMP 2014
19. Lin CH, Zhang W, Ng TW, Zhang D, Jiang J, Pulikkottil B, Lakkis F, Gorantla VS, Lee WP, Brandacher G, Zheng XX. Vascularized Osteomyocutaneous Allografts Are Permissive to Tolerance by Induction-Based Immunomodulatory Therapy. Am J Transplant. 2013 May 29
20. Unadkat JV, Bourbeau D, Afrooz PN, Solari MG, Washington KM, Pulikkottil BJ, Weber DJ, Lee WP. Functional Outcomes following Multiple Acute Rejections in Experimental Vascularized Composite Allotransplantation. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2013 May;131(5):720e-30e
21. Pulikkottil BJ, Dauwe P, Daniali L.Rohrich RJ. Corticosteroid use in cosmetic surgery. Plast Reconst Surg 132:352-60. 2013
22. Nagarkar P, Pulikkottil B, Patel A, Rohrich RJ. So you want to become a plastic surgeon – what you need to do and know to get into a plastic surgery residency. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2012 Nov 8.
23. Pulikkottil BJ, Jindal R, Unadkat J, Zhang D, Solari MG, Washington KM, Afrooz PN, Hautz T, Zanoun R, Tuffaha S, Zheng XX, Brandacher G, Petzelbauer P, Margreiter R, Lakkis F, Lee WPA, Pratschke J, Schneeberger S. A short course of IL-2 Fusion Protein and Cyclosporine together with intra-graft BBeta15-42 treatment for local lymphocyte migratory inhibition results in long-term composite tissue allograft survival. 2012
24. Desai KK, Hahn E, Pulikkottil B, Lee. Negative pressure wound therapy: an algorithm. Clin Plast Surg. Jul; 39(3):311-324.
25. Deleyiannis FW-B, Clavijo-Alvarez J, Pullikkotil B (sp), Zanoun R, Behringer T, Chong T, Rubin P, Johnson JT Simmons. Development of consensus guidelines for venous thromboembolism prophylaxis in patients undergoing microvascular reconstruction of the mandible. Head and Neck Jul;33(7):1034-40, 2011
26. Tuffaha S, Quigley M, Ng T, Gorantla VS, Shores JT, Pulikkottil B, Shestak C, Brandacher G, Lee WP. The effect of chondroitinase on nerve regeneration on composite tissue allotransplantation. J Hand Surg Am. 2011 Sep;36(9):1447-52. Epub 2011 Jul 23. PMID:21788107
27. Sucher R, Oberhuber R, Rumberg G, Hautz T, Zelger B, Glodney B, Jindal R, Pulikkottil BJ, Gorantla VS, Brandacher G, Margreiter R, Lee WPA, Schneeberger S. A rapid vascular anastomosis technique for hind limb transplantation in rats. Plast Reconstr Surg. 126(3):869-74, 2010.
28. Sucher R, Cheng-Hung L, Zanoun R, Komli-Kofi A, Weinstock M, Pulikkotil B (sp),Schneeberger S, Zheng XX, Pratschke J, Lee WPA, Brandacher G. Mouse Hind Limb Transplantation – A New Composite Tissue Allotransplantation (CTA) Model Utilizing Non-Suture Microsurgery. Transplantation Dec 27;90(12):1374-80, 2010 PMID:21076369
29. Unadkat JV, Schneeberger S, Goldbach C, Solari MG, Washington KM, Afrooz PN, Pulikkottil BJ, Zheng XX, Lee WP. Investigation of antibody-mediated rejection in composite tissue allotransplantation in a rat limb transplant model. Transplant Proc. 41(2): 542, 2009.
PMID: 19328922
30. Schneeberger S, Gorantla VS, Hautz T, Pulikkottil BJ, Margreiter R, Lee WP. Immunosuppression and rejection in human hand transplantation. Transplant Proc. 41(2):472-5, 2009
1. Ivy Society of Plastic Surgeons, Valley Forge, PA, 2008.
Upregulation and Targeting of the Adhesion Molecule VE Cadherin in Human and Experimental Limb Transplantation. Pulikkottil BJ, Hautz T, Zelger B, Brandacher G, Gorantla VS, Afrooz PN, Solari MG, McLean KM, Unadkat JV, Petzelbauer P, Lee WPA, Margreiter, Schneeberger S.
2. Ivy Society of Plastic Surgeons, Valley Forge, PA, 2008.
Optimizing Functional Outcomes Following Composite Tissue Allotransplantation. Unadkat JV, Schneeberger S, Solari MG, McLean KM, Pulikkottil BJ, Afrooz PN, Gorantla VS, Lee WPA.
3. Ivy Society of Plastic Surgeons, Valley Forge, PA, 2008.
Rapamycin Pharmacokinetics and Efficacy in Experimental Composite Tissue Allotransplantation. Solari MG, McLean KM, Unadkat JV, Pulikkottil BJ, Afrooz PN, Gorantla VS, Schneeberger S, Thomson AW, Lee WPA.
4. Ivy Society of Plastic Surgeons, Valley Forge, PA, 2008.
Function and Topography in the Primary Somatosensory Cortex after Face Transplantation. McLean KM, Solari MG, Zanoun RR, Kwegyir-Afful EE, Unadkat JV, Afrooz PN, Pulikkottil BJ, Carvell GE, Simons DJ, Lee WPA.
5. Ohio Valley Society of Plastic Surgeons, Cleveland, OH, 2008.
Rapamycin Promotes Regulatory T-Cell Expansion and Composite Tissue Allograft Survival. Solari MG, McLean KM, Unadkat JV, Zhang D, Pulikkottil BJ, Afrooz PN, Zheng XX, Thomson AW, Lee WPA.
6. Ohio Valley Society of Plastic Surgeons, Cleveland, OH, 2008.
Addressing Lymphocyte Trafficking in Rejection in Composite Tissue Allo transplantation. Pulikkottil BJ, Hautz T, Zelger B, Brandacher G, Gorantla VS, Afrooz PN, Solari MG, McLean KM, Unadkat JV, Petzelbauer P, Margreiter R, Lee WPA, Schneeberger S.
7. Ohio Valley Society of Plastic Surgeons, Cleveland, OH, 2008.
Effect of Multiple Rejections on Function Following Composite Tissue Allotransplantation. Unadkat JV, Afrooz PN, Solari MG, McLean KM, Pulikkottil BJ, Gorantla VS, Schneeberger S, Weber D, Lee WPA.
8. Ohio Valley Society of Plastic Surgeons, Cleveland, OH, 2008.
Cortical Response Properties of the Primary Somatosensory Cortex after Face Transplantation. McLean KM, Solari MG, Zanoun RR, Kwegyir-Afful EE, Unadkat JV, Afrooz PN, Pulikkottil BJ, Carvell GE, Simons DJ, Lee WPA.
9. Plastic Surgery Research Council, Springfield, IL, 2008.
The Tolerogenic Properties of Rapamycin in Composite Tissue Allotransplantation. Solari M, McLean K, Unadkat J, Pulikkottil B, Afrooz P, Zheng XX, Thomson A, Lee WPA. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2008 June 121(6S): 4A.
10. Twenty-Second International Congress of The Transplantation Society, Australia 2008
Investigating the role of VE-Cadherin mediated lymphocyte trafficking in composite tissue allotransplantation Schneeberger S, Pulikkottil B, Hautz T, Zelger, Brandacher G, Gorantla V, Petzelbauer P, Lee A, Margreiter R. Transplantation. 2008 July 86(2S):752
11. Plastic Surgery Research Council, Springfield, IL, 2008.
Cortical Function and Mapping After Face Transplantation.McLean K, Solari M, Zanoun R, Kwegyir-Afful E, Unadkat J, Afrooz P, Pulikkottil B, Carvell G, Simons D, Lee WPA. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2008 June 121(6S): 8A
12. Plastic Surgery Research Council, Springfield, IL, 2008.
Targeting Molecular Markers of Lymphocyte Trafficking in Limb Transplantation. Pulikkottil B, Hautz T, Zelger B, Brandacher G, Afrooz P, Gorantla V, Petzelbauer P, Lee WPA, Margreiter R, Schneeberger S. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2008 June 121(6S): 56C
13. Plastic Surgery Research Council, Springfield, IL, 2008.
Histomorphological Features of Chronic Rejection in Composite Tissue Allotransplantation. Unadkat J, Schneeberger S, Solari M, McLean K, Afrooz P, Pulikkottil B, Gorantla V, Cooper G, Zheng XX, Lee WPA. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2008 June 121(6S): 58C
14. Fifth Annual Plastic Surgery Resident Research Day, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, 2008.
Effect of Multiple Rejections on Function Following Composite Tissue Allotransplantation. Unadkat, JV, Afrooz, PN, Solari, MG, Washington, KM, Pulikkottil, BJ, Gorantla, V, Schneeberger, S, Weber, DJ, Lee, WPA.
15. Fifth Annual Plastic Surgery Resident Research Day, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, 2008.
Enhancing Functional Outcomes in Peripheral Nerve Injury, Replantation, and Composite Tissue Allotransplantation. Afrooz, PN, Bourbeau, D, Washington, KM, Unadkat, JV, Solari, MG, Pulikkottil, BJ, Gorantla, V, Weber, DJ, Schneeberger, S, Lee, WPA.
16. Fifth Annual Plastic Surgery Resident Research Day, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, 2008.
Addressing Lymphocyte Trafficking in Rejection in Composite Tissue Allotransplantation. Pulikkottil, BJ, Hautz, T, Afrooz, PN, Solari, MG, Unadkat, JV, Washington, KM, Gorantla, V, Brandacher, G, Petzelbauer, P, Zheng, XX, Lee, WPA, Margreiter, R, Schneeberger, S.
17. Fifth Annual Plastic Surgery Resident Research Day, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, 2008.
Rapamycin Promotes Regulatory T-cell Expansion and Composite Tissue Allograft Survival. Solari, MG, Washington, KM, Unadkat, JV, Zhang, D, Pulikkottil, BJ, Afrooz, PN, Venkataramanan, R, Zheng, XX, Thomson, AW, Lee, WPA.
18. Fifth Annual Plastic Surgery Resident Research Day, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, 2008.
Cortical Function and Mapping after Face Transplantation.Washington, KM, Solari, MG, Zanoun, RR, Kwegyir-Afful, EE, Unadkat, JV, Afrooz, PN, Pulikkottil, BJ, Carvell, GE, Simons, DJ, Lee, WPA.
19. First American Conference on Reconstructive Transplant Surgery, Philadelphia, PA, 2008.
A Model for Functional Outcome and Cortical Mapping after Face Transplantation. Washington KM, Solari MG, Zanoun RR, Sacks JM, Horibe EK, Unadkat JV, Afrooz PN, Pulikkottil BJ, Gorantla VS, Schneeberger S, Carvell GE, Simons DJ, Lee WPA.
20. First American Conference on Reconstructive Transplant Surgery, Philadelphia, PA, 2008.
Targeting VE Cadherin for Prophylaxis/Treatment of Skin Rejection in Composite Tissue. Pulikkottil BJ, Hautz T, Afrooz P, Zelger B, Brandacher G, Solari MG, Wang Y, Zhang D, Unadkat JV, Washington KM, Gorantla VS, Petzelbauer P, Zheng X, Lee WPA, Margreiter R, Schneeberger S.
21. First American Conference on Reconstructive Transplant Surgery, Philadelphia, PA, 2008.
A Model for Functional Outcome and Cortical Mapping after Face Transplantation. Washington KM, Solari MG, Zanoun RR, Sacks JM, Horibe EK, Unadkat JV, Afrooz PN, Pulikkottil BJ, Gorantla VS, Schneeberger S, Carvell GE, Simons DJ, Lee WPA.
22. First American Conference on Reconstructive Transplant Surgery, Philadelphia, PA, 2008.
Do Multiple Acute Rejections Affect Functional Outcomes Following Composite Tissue Allotransplantation? Unadkat JV, Afrooz PN, Solari MG, Washington KM, Bourbeau D, Pullikkotil BJ, Gorantla VS, Schneeberger S, Weber D, Lee WP
23. First American Conference on Reconstructive Transplant Surgery, Philadelphia, PA, 2008.
Enhancing Functional Outcomes in Composite Tissue Allotransplantation. Afrooz PN, Bourbeau D, Washington KM, Unadkat JV, Solari MG, Pulikkottil BJ, Gorantla VS, Weber DJ, Carvel GE, Simons DJ, Schneeberger S, Lee WPA.
24. First American Conference on Reconstructive Transplant Surgery, Philadelphia, PA, 2008
A modified technique for retrieval of vertebral bodies for bone marrow cell isolation in a cGMP environment Pulikkottil BJ, Schneeberger S, Gorantla VS, Moore LR, Lee WPA, Donnenberg A
25. AustroTransPlant Innsbruck, Austria, 2008.
Targeting adhesion molecules for prophylaxis and treatment of skin rejection in composite tissue allotransplantation. Hautz T, Pulikkottil BJ, Zelger B, Brandacher G, Lee, WPA, Margreiter R, Schneeberger S
26. Ivy Society of Plastic Surgeons, Pittsburgh, PA, 2009.
Composite Tissue Allotransplantation: Novel Strategies to Optimize Functional Outcomes. Afrooz PN, Zanoun RR, Bourbeau DJ, Sharma S, Pulikkottil BJ, Washington KM, Solari MG, Unadkat JV, Venkataramanan R, Weber DJ, Brandacher G, Schneeberger S, Lee WPA.
27. Ivy Society of Plastic Surgeons, Pittsburgh, PA, 2009.
Long Term Survival in Composite Tissue Allotransplantation using Interleukin-2: Immunomodulation rather than Immunosuppression. Unadkat JV, Zhang D, Jindal R, Ng T, Wang Y, Solari M, Washington K, Afrooz P, Pulikkottil B, Gorantla VS, Lee WPA, Zheng XX.
28. Ivy Society of Plastic Surgeons, Pittsburgh, PA, 2009.
Cortical Response Properties after Cyclosporine Administration in Facial Transplantation.Washington KM, Solari MG, Zanoun RR, Kwegyir-Afful EE, Unadkat JV, Afrooz PN, Pulikkottil BJ, Gorantla VS, Schneeberger S, Carvell GE, Simons DJ, Lee WPA
29. Ivy Society of Plastic Surgeons, Pittsburgh, PA, 2009.
Effects of Immunosuppressive Drugs on Regulatory Cell Populations and Function in Composite Tissue Allotransplantation. Solari MG, Washington KM, Zhang D, Unadkat JV, Pulikkottil BJ, Afrooz PN, Thomson AW, Lee WPA
30. Ivy Society of Plastic Surgeons, Pittsburgh, PA, 2009.
The fibrin derived peptide BBeta15-42 prevents skin rejection in a rat hindlimb composite tissue allotransplantation model. Pulikkottil BJ, Afrooz PN, Hautz T, Wang Y, Zhang D, Wolfram D, Jindal R, Wachtman G, Zanoun R, Zelger B, Solari MG, Washington KM, Unadkat J, Gorantla VS, Petzelbauer P, Larregina A, Sucher R, Brandacher G, Zheng XX, Lee WPA, Margreiter R, Schneeberger S.
31. Ohio Valley Society of Plastic Surgeons, Indianapolis, IN, 2009. The fibrin derived peptide BBeta15-42 prevents skin rejection in a rat hindlimb composite tissue allotransplantation model. Pulikkottil BJ, Afrooz PN, Hautz T, Wang Y, Zhang D, Wolfram D, Jindal R, Wachtman G, Sucher R, Zanoun R, Tuffaha S, Solari MG, Washington KM, Unadkat JV, Gorantla VS, Petzelbauer P, Brandacher G, Zheng XX, Margreiter R, Schneeberger S, Lee WPA. (Best Science Paper)
32. Ohio Valley Society of Plastic Surgeons, Indianapolis, IN, 2009. Interleukin-2 induced long-term survival in composite tissue transplantation: Does every acute rejection need to be treated equally? Unadkat JV, Zhang D, Jindal R, Pulikkottil BJ, Ng T, Wang Y, Solari M, Washington K, Afrooz P, Lee WPA, Zheng XX.
33. American Society of Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons Boston, MA 2009
The fibrin derivative BBeta15-42 prevents skin rejection in a rat composite tissue allotransplantation model.Pulikkottil BJ, Afrooz PN, Hautz T, Wang Y, Zhang D, Wolfram D, Jindal R, Wachtman G, Zanoun R, Zelger B, Solari M, Washington KM, Unadkat J, Starzl R, Gorantla V, Petzelbauer P, Brandacher G, Zheng XX, Lee WPA, Margreiter R, Schneeberger S
34. University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey Department of Surgery Grand Rounds. Newark, NJ 2009
Analyzing and targeting mechanisms of skin rejection in composite tissue allotransplantation. Pulikkottil BJ, Afrooz PN, Hautz T, Wang Y, Zhang D, Wolfram D, Jindal R, Wachtman G, Zanoun R, Zelger B, Solari M, Washington KM, Unadkat J, Starzl R, Gorantla V, Petzelbauer P, Brandacher G, Zheng XX, Lee WPA, Margreiter R, Schneeberger S
35. American College of Surgeons. Chicago, Illinois 2009
A novel regimen for skin survival in composite tissue allotransplantation. Pulikkottil BJ, Jindal R, Unadkat JV, Zhang D, Afrooz PN, Zheng XX, Brandacher G, Petzelbauer P, Schneeberger S, Lee WPA. Journal of the American College of Surgeons. 2009 September 2009(3):S57
36. American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Seattle, Washington 2009 Lymphocyte migratory inhibition with IL-2/Fc prolongs skin survival in composite tissue allotransplantation.“Presented as example excellent work funded by National Endowment of Plastic Surgery.” Pulikkottil BJ, Unadkat JV, Jindal R, Zhang D, Afrooz PN, Zheng XX, Brandacher G, Petzelbauer P, Lee WPA, Schneeberger S.
37. American Transplant Congress, San Diego, California 2010.
A short course of IL-2 fusion protein and Cya together with intra-graft BBeta 15-42 treatment for local lymphocyte migratory inhibition results in long-term composite tissue allograft survival. Pulikkottil BJ, Jindal R, Hautz T, Unadkat J, Zhang D, Afrooz PN, Zheng XX, Brandacher G, Petzelbauer P, Margreiter R, Lakkis F, Lee WPA, Pratschke J, Schneeberger S.
38. American Transplant Congress, San Diego, California 2010.
Effects Of The Allo-Immune Response On Nerve Regeneration in Composite Tissue Transplantation. American Journal of Transplantation: April 2010- Volume 10 Issue 4s Tuffaha S, Afrooz P, Jindal R, Pulikkottil B, Hunter D, Johnson P
39. American Transplant Congress, San Diego, California 2010.
Chondroitinase Improves Nerve Regeneration in Composite Tissue Allotransplantation. American Journal of Transplantation: April 2010- Volume 10 – Issue 4s Tuffaha S, Quigley M, Pullikottil B, Ng T, Shestak C, Brandacher G, Lee WPA.
40. Plastic Surgery Research Council, Monterey,CA 2010
Effects Of Immune Response And Cyclosporine (CsA) Treatment on Nerve Regeneration in Composite Tissue Transplantation (CTA). Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: June 2010 - Volume 125 - Issue 6S - p 119 Tuffaha S, Afrooz P, Jindal R, Pulikkottil B, Hunter D, Johnson P, Brandacher G, Mackinnon S, Lee WPA.
41. Plastic Surgery Research Council, Monterey,CA 2010
Improving Nerve Regeneration in Composite Tissue Transplantation with Chondroitinase Treatment. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: June 2010 - Volume 125 - Issue 6S - p 32.Tuffaha S, Quigley M, Pullikkottil B, Ng T, Shestak C, Brandacher G, Lee WPA.
42. Seventh Annual Plastic Surgery Resident Research Day, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, 2010
Improving Nerve Regeneration in Composite Tissue Transplantation with Chondroitinase Treatment. Tuffaha SH, Quigley M, Pullikkottil B, Ng T, Shestak C, Brandacher G, Lee WPA
43. University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey Department of Surgery Grand Rounds. Newark, NJ 2011
Pulikkottil BJ. History of the Vascular Anastomosis. UMDNJ Grand Rounds.
44. University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey Department of Surgery Grand Rounds. Newark, NJ 2012
Pulikkottil BJ. Composite Tissue Allotransplantation Revisited:Abdominal Wall Transplant
45. Texas Society of Plastic Surgeons Bastrop, TX 2013
Pulikkottil BJ, Dauwe P, Daniali L, Rohrich RJ. Recommendations for Corticosteroid Usage in Cosmetic Plastic Surgery.
46. American Society of Plastic Surgeons, Sr. Residents Conference San Diego, CA 2013 Pulikkottil BJ, Dauwe P, Daniali L, Rohrich RJ. Recommendations for Corticosteroid Usage in Cosmetic Plastic Surgery.
47. North Texas American College of Surgeons, Dallas, TX 2014
Mapula S, Bailey SH, Pulikkottil BJ, Rohrich RJ
Optimizing Outcomes in Abdominal Wall Reconstruction.
48. Texas Society of Plastic Surgeons San Antonio, TX 2014
Pezeshk RA, Pulikkottil BJ, Bailey SH, Mapula S, Subramanian M, Hoxworth RE Acellular Dermal Matrix Usage for Flank Hernia Repair: Algorithm for A Multidisciplinary Approach
49. International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. Eilat, Israel 2015 Pezeshk RA, Pulikkottil BJ, Bailey SH, Mapula S, Hoxworth RE. Contaminated Abdominal Wall Reconstruction with Acellular Dermal Matrix
50. American Society for Surgery of the Hand. Seattle, WA 2015
The FCU flap for elbow coverage.
Baratz, M, Pulikkottil BJ. FCU flap for elbow coverage.
51. Texas Society of Plastic Surgeons. San Antonio, TX 2015
Complex Abdominal Wall Reconstruction: A novel approach to Post operative Care Utilizing Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Mapula S, Pezeshk, R, Pulikkottil BJ, Schaffer N, Bailey SH, Hoxworth RE
52. Texas Society of Plastic Surgeons. San Antonio, TX 2015
Contaminated Abdominal Wall Reconstruction with Acellular Dermal Matrix Pezeshk R, Mapula S, Schaffer N, Pulikkottil B, Bailey SH, Rege RV, Hoxworth RE
53. 2nd Annual Imbriglia Lectureship. Pittsburgh, PA 2016
Correlating median nerve cross sectional area with distal sensory and distal motor latencies. Pulikkottil BJ, Fowler JF
54. 36th Annual North American Burn Society. Steamboat Springs, CO 2018 Reducing central line associated blood stream infection and catheter associated urinary tract infection rates in the burn ICU.
Desantis L, Halazon M, Pulikkottil BJ
55. 36th Annual North American Burn Society. Steamboat Springs, CO 2018 Pain management strategies for burn patients. Fiest J, Pulikkottil BJ
56. 36th Annual North American Burn Society. Steamboat Springs, CO 2018 A multidisciplanry approach to the treatment of purpura fulminans: Two case studies from the burn unit . Desantis L, Pulikkottil BJ
1. Department of Surgery Research Day, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, 2008 Optimizing Functional Outcomes in Peripheral Nerve Injury, Replantation, and Composite Tissue Allotransplantation.
Afrooz, PN, Unadkat, JV, Bourbeau, D, Pulikkottil, BJ, Washington, KM, Solari, MG, Sharma, S, Venkataramanan, R, Weber, DJ, Schneeberger, S. Lee, WPA.
2. Department of Surgery Research Day, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, 2008 Addressing Lymphocyte Trafficking in Rejection in Composite Tissue Allotransplantation.
Pulikkottil, BJ, Hautz, T, Afrooz, PN, Solari, MG, Unadkat, JV, Washington, KM, Gorantla, V, Brandacher, G, Petzelbauer, P, Zheng, XX, Lee, WPA, Margreiter, R, Schneeberger, S.
3. Department of Surgery Research Day, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, 2008 Effect of Multiple Rejections on Function Following Composite Tissue Allotransplantation.
Unadkat, JV, Afrooz, PN, Solari, MG, Washington, KM, Pulikkottil, BJ, Gorantla, V, Schneeberger, S, Weber, DJ, Lee, WPA.
4. Department of Surgery Research Day, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, 2008 Rapamycin Promotes Regulatory T-cell Expansion and Composite Tissue Allograft Survival.
Solari, MG, Washington, KM, Unadkat, JV, Zhang, D, Pulikkottil, BJ, Afrooz, PN, Venkataramanan, R, Zheng, XX, Thomson, AW, Lee, WPA.
2008 Founding Member, Amer. Society for Reconstructive Transplant Surgery 2010 American College of Surgeons Resident Member
2010 Gold Humanism Honor Society: NJMS Chapter
2011 Alpha Omega Alpha, NJ Chapter
2012 SAGES: Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery Program, Certified 2011 Texas Society of Plastic Surgeons Resident Member 2012 American Society of Plastic Surgeons Resident Member 2014 BLS, ACLS, ATLS, Certified
2016 American Burn Association, Member
2016 American Association of Hand Surgery, Candidate Member 2016 American Society of Surgery of the Hand, Candidate Member 2017 Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Certification
2017 ABLS, Certified
2017 American Society of Plastic Surgeons, Active Member 2018 Colorado Unified Burn Response, Participating Medical Director 2019 Wilderness Medical Society Member
Financial relationships
Nature of financial relationship:There are no financial relationships to disclose.Date added:07/20/2023Date updated:01/22/2025