Michael Victoroff, MD, ABPM/CI
Dr. Victoroff is the Risk Management Consultant for Health Information Technology at COPIC, where he specializes in liability and safety aspects of HIT. He was in the first group of U.S. physicians to become board certified in Clinical Informatics.
Dr. Victoroff is a Clinical Professor in the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Colorado School of Medicine and adjunct faculty (Bioethics) in the Graduate School at the University of Denver. The Colorado Academy of Family Physicians named him “Family Physician of the Year” in 1996. He practiced family medicine and obstetrics for 19 years before becoming a Medical Director for Aetna in 1997. From 2002-2006 he worked as an investigator for the University of Colorado Department of Toxicology on suspected cases of chemical exposures; in 2005 that group published a landmark paper applying principles of evidence-based medicine to toxicology litigation. He completed a fellowship in biomedical ethics and has founded and served on numerous ethics committees, including that of the American Academy of Family Physicians. He has been a member of the Colorado Governor’s Commission on Life and the Law and the Judicial Affairs Committee of the Colorado Medical Society. He chaired the Colorado Perinatal Care Council and the Colorado Medical Society Committee on Medical Informatics. He is a faculty member at CPEP, which provides ethics education for healthcare professionals across the U.S. and Canada.
In 1989, he developed ChartR®, an electronic medical record system for ambulatory practices. At COPIC, he developed A Taxonomy of Medical Error, a coding system for patient safety events that has been used in federally-funded patient safety research and was the inspiration for the FDA’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). He was a founding member of the National Patient Safety Foundation, and has worked with COPIC, the ECRI Institute, the Canadian Medical Protective Association, State Volunteer Mutual Insurance Company and other organizations to analyze the safety and effectiveness of health information technology.
He is the originator of Task-Oriented Medicine, an approach to improving care effectiveness and transitions for patients within health systems. He was Chief Medical Officer and later President of Lynxcare (now LYTFOX), providing health record summarization and advocacy services to patients with rare or complex conditions.
Dr. Victoroff is a competitive shooter and certified NRA instructor in Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun and Personal Protection. He is also a USCCA defensive shooting instructor. He is co-founder of the Colorado Firearms Safety Coalition, educating health professionals and the public about suicide, dementia, child safety and violence mitigation. He provides education on active shooter response, workplace violence and firearms risk assessment in the healthcare setting.
Dr. Victoroff’s publications include articles and book chapters on bioethics, medical computing, managed care, medical errors, patient safety and gun violence. He is a nationally recognized speaker on safety and liability related to HIT. He received his BA from St. John’s College, Annapolis (the “Great Books” program); he did premedical coursework at Harvard and Case Western Reserve Universities; received his MD from Baylor College of Medicine in Houston; and did his residency in Family Medicine at the University of Rochester. His fellowship in Bioethics (1975) was funded in part by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. He served 3 years in the National Health Service Corps in rural Colorado before moving to Denver in 1983. His wife is a Nurse Practitioner with the Colorado Department of Corrections. He has a son with two grandboys in Spokane, WA, and a daughter with two grandgirls in Gunnison, Colorado.
Financial relationships
Nature of financial relationship:There are no financial relationships to disclose.Date added:01/12/2024Date updated:01/12/2024